Useful Links

Public mental health resources from the UK Government:

Resources to support national and local organisations to improve the public’s mental health.

Learning disability organisations


Respond -Supporting people with learning difficulties, their families, carers and professionals affected by trauma and abuse



British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD)

Ann Craft Trust safeguarding disabled children and vulnerable adults

Foundation for people with learning disabilities

The Tizard centre

The Elfrida Society

Association for Real Change

Downs Syndrome Association – helping people with Downs Syndrome

National Autistic Society – For people with autism (including Asperger syndrome) and their families

VOICE UK – Supports people with learning disabilities and other vulnerable people who have experience crime or abuse

About Learning Disabilities – Expert advice on learning

Helen Anderson Associates – Promoting person centred change

Social Care Institute For Excellence

Netbuddy- Provides practical tips and information from people with first-hand experience of learning disabilities


Learning disability and Mental health organisations

NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Estia Centre

The Mental Health Foundation

Clear Thoughts- knowledge centre on mental health for people with a learning disability

The National Association for the Dually Diagnosed

Royal College of Psychiatrists

United Response

Department of Health

Office for Disability Issues


Gender and women’s rights organisations

Women’s Resource Centre

Rights of Women


Women’s Health Concern

UK Disability Forum women’s committee


Jewish mental health and outreach organisations


Jewish Care

Jewish Mental Health – Comprehensive resource on Jewish mental health services in Greater London


Jewish Learning Disability Organisations



Jewish Blind and Disabled –

Jewish Childcare Association –

JWeb – Learning Disability information for the Jewish Community –


Financial assistance for students with disabilities

Disabled Students’ Allowance: the complete guide –


*This list is not exhaustive and the Judith Trust takes no responsibility for the content or material on these sites