Since April 2018, the Judith Trust has provided grants to three innovative and much needed projects.
These all concur with the ethos of the Trust. As such, we have helped fund these important projects across different sectors. The projects will run for one year, until 2019. The projects are also match funded by other charitable organisations.
Kisharon Employment Agency
Our first project is the Kisharon Employment Agency. Kisharon is a learning disability charity, that work within the Jewish community. The Trust takes a gendered approach in our work, focusing on the rights of women and particularly learning disabled women. This project partnered with Kisharon, will assist in the progression of a greater number of women transitioning into employment.
In April 2018, Kisharon opened their Skills for Employment Center as a shop front in the heart of Hendon, London. This has made their service much more accessible and more informal as people are able to drop into the shop at a time that is convenient for them and it also attracts passers-by. With the creation of the Skills for Employment Center, there have been more women inquiring about Kisharon’s services and coming into the Center, and so far, the service has helped ten women find employment.
Currently Kisharon are running a total of 114 work placements with 80 active jobs for around 45 people with learning disabilities (some have more than one part-time job). Kisharon have secured employment opportunities for ten women so far in 2018.
In addition, Kisharon have launched a bi-weekly conversation cafe where those with learning disabilities can come and discuss issues around employment in a safe and supportive environment. The sessions are run by a life coach and encourage participants to think about their dream jobs and their aspirations.
Click here to view Kisharon’s short film about their Employment Agency Program.
For more information on Kisharon please see:
Rethink Mental Illness
Our next one year pilot project is partnered with Rethink Mental Illness, a national mental health charity. It is focused on the resettlement of women leaving Low Newton Prison in County Durham. The project helps women make safe and effective transitions from prison into the community.
Rethink Mental Illness have worked and supported three women on release from Low Newton, together with the Cornerstone project -a local partner who provides supported housing, to help them resettle into daily life, connect them with relevant local support groups and setup basics contacts and personal infrastructure (such as registering with a Doctor, at the Food bank, Benefit System). They are currently assessing another three-four woman and they hope to work with eight women who are set to be released in 2019. Central to Rethink Mental Illness’s work is their partnership with Cornerstone, who accept the women into their accommodation and women committing to stay there or maintain contact with both organisations.
Rethink Mental Illness have developed a basic screening tool which they are now trialing with women who are assessed in Low Newton before they are released. It is hoped that this will aid them to identify women with both mental health issues and learning disabilities.
For more about Rethink Mental Illness click here:
Skills for Care
The third match funded project is partnered with Skills for Care, who work to create a valued adult social care workforce. Skills for Care train and support the social care workforce who support people with learning disabilities and/or mental health issues.
Skills for Care have developed a “Rapid Evidence Assessment” which provides a systematic approach to provide a quick literature and research overview, specifically looking at people with learning disabilities and/or autism who are suffering from mental health problems.
Skills for Care has organised three co-production workshop groups for people with mental health issues, social care workers, family carers and professionals. The co-production workshops provide the skills and knowledge needed to identify and enable the men and women who have learning disabilities (and/or autism) and mental health problems to have equal access to the appropriate mental health support and services (formal and informal) as others. In addition, it provides professionals with more confidence to know what to do and/or where to get info and advice if they know or suspect that someone they care for may have a ‘co-morbid’ learning disability and mental health problems.
For more about Skills for Care click here:
The Inclusion Campaign with JLGB
About the Campaign
The Inclusion Campaign works with synagogues and other Jewish institutions to promote the inclusion of people with learning disabilities and/or mental ill-health, and their families and carers, in Jewish community life, in what ever way they choose.
- There are approximately 5,500 Jewish people with a learning disability in the UK.
- One in four British adults experiences at least one mental health problem in any one year.
- One in ten children under 15 has a mental health problem.
- For more information on learning disabilities and mental ill-health please click here.
The Inclusion Campaign began in 2011 and worked with synagogues across London and in Manchester, as well as other major communal organisations. From 2018, It is now being run by partner organisation Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade (JLGB.) Click here for current work on this campaign.

Projects Supported in 2016: Zippy’s Friends
More about Zippy’s Friends for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs – frequently asked questions answered.