Gregory’s Story
My Shul is really near my house. I used to see people going to shul and I wanted to go too. I had help from staff at Norwood to meet the Rabbi and to start going to shul. We talked about what I should do in Shul, like where to sit, not talking in the service and to introduce me to people.
Going to Shul is an important part of my religion because I am Jewish. I have friends there now. I see them every Saturday. I really enjoy the service and the kiddish. I get called up to open the ark.
Last Pesach I went to a community Seder and I read a prayer – I felt really proud of myself. I took another friend who lives with me, with me, because she is Jewish too and wanted to come.
I like reading the Shul magazine because I am part of that. I was in the last magazine!
I have been shopping to buy a talis to wear when I go to Shul.
When the Chief Rabbi came to my Shul I met him, which was very exciting.
I am really happy that I started going to Shul.”