A Jewish Heritage of Inclusion
Jewish history and texts are filled with examples of how and why the Jewish community should support Inclusion.
“We see as the basis of our humanity the fact that we are all ultimately the same. We are vulnerable. We are embodied creatures. We feel hunger, thirst, fear, pain. We reason, hope, dream aspire. These things are all true and important. But we are also different. Each landscape, language, culture, community is unique. Our very dignity as persons is rooted in the fact that none of us – not even genetically identical twins – is exactly like any other”.
Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (“The Dignity of Difference, Continuum, London New York, Toronto, 2002)
In Shmot (Exodus 4:11) G-d told Moses that he would lead his People out of Egypt. Moses replied that he could not do this for he was slow of speech and heavy of tongue. G-d was angry at this response and made it possible for Moses to fulfill his destiny by providing Aaron to speak for him. This is one of the earliest examples of making an accommodation to allow a person with a disability to fulfill a role. Moses could now do the work G-d had commanded him to do and went on to be one of the great leaders of the Jewish People. G-d chose Moses because of his personal vision and strength – his speech disability was insignificant in G-d’s plan. Without G-d’s inclusivity approach, Moses may have never been chosen. People with disabilities can not only participate but also make a valuable contribution to our community.
In Bereshit (Genesis 18:1) Abraham welcomes three guests into his camp, preparing a lavish meal for them and allowing them to rest in his tent. Abraham and Sarah were older and childless; the guests told them they would have a son. This parasha illustrates how we, as Jews must treat all those who enter our ‘tents’, and the rewards that this can bring.
Short quotes about Jewish Inclusivity:
Welcome everyone…with joy (Ethics of our Fathers, 1:15)
“Though it is not incumbent upon you to complete the work, nor are you free to desist from it entirely” (Ethics of the Fathers 2:16)
‘Love your neighbour as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18)
“All Israelites are responsible for one another” (Talmud Sanhedrin 27b)
“My house shall be a house of prayer for all” (Isiaih 56:7)
“Educate each child according to their needs” (Proverbs 22)
If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, who am I? And if not now, when?” (Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14)
It is not what one says, but rather what one does, that makes a difference.” (Ethics of the Fathers 1:17)
The Haggadah refers to four sons: One wise, one wicked, one simple and one who does not know how to ask a question. We are taught to respond to each according to their needs.
Bar and Bat Mitzvah Resources
Many young people with learning disabilities and/or mental ill-health, and their families, experience challenges in planning a Bar/Bat Mitzvah which is meaningful and appropriate for them, and therefore many families decide not to have one. Difficulties with literacy, confidence or communication may make it hard to have a traditional Bar/Bat Mitzvah, and some communities may be unsure of the most effective way to support a family with such needs. The Judith Trust is collating useful resources and would be happy to hear from you if you would like to contribute: get in touch here
Resources for Communities
The Judith Trust is happy to support synagogues from across the religious spectrum to become more inclusive. Please contact the Inclusion Project Officer at the Judith Trust if you would like to find out more. We will discuss the needs and interests of your community and develop a FREE bespoke package to support you.
If you are an Inclusion Advisor for the Inclusion Campaign, or someone thinking of bringing the Inclusion Campaign to your community, please take a look at some of our resources.
High Holyday Resources
Gateways: Access to Jewish Education’s High Holidays resources
Links to other sites
Click here to read an interesting article from America, outlining the same challenges to Jewish Inclusion as we face in the UK
JGateways has lots of great resources and ideas
You can download Jewish prayers and songs, with English, Hebrew and transliteration on these sites:
- Zemirot Database
- Mostly Music – you can listen here without buying, if you scroll down the page
Jewish Interactive has both Apps and classroom resources
Useful Books
V’Khol Banayikh: Jewish Education for All, Edited by Sara Rubinow Simon, Linda Forrest and Ellen Fishman.