Dear Guest, Friend or Supporter,
We were delighted so many of our colleagues, friends and supporters were able to participate in our 20th anniversary celebration at the Royal College of Nursing on Tuesday 13th June. It was great to have so many there with the amazing mix of people producing such a buzz in the room.
Of course we hope you enjoyed it but now I would love to hear from you if you can spare a few minutes to let us know about your own experience.
You will have heard me say (although those arriving later might not) that our strategy now is to find like-minded partners over the next three or four years ending with our closure in 2021 to whom we can offer part funding with match amounts coming from your own organisation or perhaps other sources. This would be in order to pursue research, new projects or further existing ones. You cannot fail to have noticed the range of our work so there is a large field to cover but we certainly want to focus in on those aspects that have the best fit with your goals too. Remember we have a major interest in those who have both learning disability and mental ill-health and we need a gendered perspective though that does not mean we look only at or work only with women and girls. There has been some interest in taking up the criminal justice system experience of our group, and we are seeking partners to continue the vital work of the Inclusion Campaign.
You may not be in an organisation but then you may have ideas, and/or links with individuals, grant-givers, and organisations to which you could link us. New introductions will be gratefully received.
Annette Lawson
Chair, the Judith Trust