The Judith Trust is supporting the National Autistic Society in their ‘Autism Hour’ Campaign starting this week, 2nd October.
What is Autism Hour?
‘For autistic people, the world can seem full of too much information – and too little understanding. That’s why 64% of autistic people and their families avoid even going out to the shops. Shops can be too loud, glaringly bright and overwhelming for autistic people.
Matt, father to Isaac who was diagnosed with autism at the age of three, says, “Noise, lighting and crowds are all triggers for Isaac so either we avoid shops altogether or we have to put in a great deal of preparation to ensure Isaac doesn’t become overwhelmed.”
That’s why, in the week of 2 October, with the support of shopping centre owner Intu, NAS are asking shops and businesses to take simple steps for 60 minutes that lead to a more autism-friendly world.‘ (National Autistic Society : 2017)
During Autism Hour shops and services will be dimming lights, turning down music, sharing information about Autism and helping customers understand how to take simple steps to help those with Autism around them to have a more welcoming and accessible experience.